Our Time Bank is a community of people living in the West Los Angeles area who support each other. We started in Culver City, Palms and Mar Vista, but are expanding into nearby neighborhoods. For every hour you help another member, you earn a Time Credit. Then you can use that Time Credit to have a neighbor help you. There’s no minimum or maximum time commitment.
Unlike bartering, which places a cash value on goods and services (and is taxable), TimeBank services are traded for Time Credits (not taxable) and you don’t have to trade directly with the person who helps you.
Members use a simple internet-based system to list the services they want to give and receive and to keep track of Time Credits exchanged.
When: June 13, 2015 12:00-2:30
Where:The Learning Garden
13000 Venice Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90066
for more info: ourtimebank.timebanks.org/events/otb-june-potluck-orientation
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