When unleashed, the voices and experiences of women have the power to change the world. Music is as much personal as it is universal. It can inspire you to action, move you to tears or make you sit up and take notice. Vox will perform our favorite songs from each of our three season concerts this year. Join us and experience the power for yourself!
Featuring selections from Music: A Mirror of Our Humanity, Forbidden Voices and Side by Side by Sondheim, this will be a lovely Sunday afternoon concert in one of our favorite Westside venues. This performance is made possible in part by a Culver City Performing Arts Grant with support from Sony Pictures Entertainment.
This event is FREE, but your RSVP is requested.
April 26 from 3 to 5
Culver City Presbyterian Church
11269 West Washington
Tickets at www.eventbrite.com/e/vox-femina-presents-hearts-of-courage-songs-for-life-tickets-16547417772
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