The Culver City High School AVPA Music Program will host a joint concert with the Longmont High School Concert Band tonight, Monday, April 6, at 7pm, in the Robert Frost Auditorium. Traveling from Longmont, Colorado, the group of 71 musicians are touring southern California this week.
Please plan to come out and celebrate another collaborative musical performance featuring our outstanding musicians!
The CCHS Concert Band will perform two works they recently performed at the Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association Festival at Lakeside HS in Lake Elsinore on March 20. They earned a rating of “Excellent” for their prepared works, and “Superior” for sight reading. The works are First Suite in E-flat by Gustav Holst and An American Elegy by Frank Ticheli.
Music Concert
Longmont High School Band (Colorado)
Culver City HS Concert Band
Monday, April 6, 7pm
Robert Frost Auditorium
4401 Elenda St, Culver City, 90230
The concert is free!
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