I wanted to express my support of Lynn Akamine’s recent letter regarding “near misses” at the CCUSD Elenda Street Complex. Our Culver City Crossing Guards do a great job under tough circumstances.
I just wanted to point out that my recollection is that two children have been involved in pedestrian vs vehicle accidents on Farragut Drive, one student was involved in a pedestrian vs. vehicle accident on Elenda. On Overland Avenue, one person died in a pedestrian vs. vehicle accident near Culver Blvd, another died crossing the street near Barman, A man was seriously injured crossing Overland at Franklin Ave — the CCPD officer I spoke with was not sure if the man later died of his injuries.or not. Finally, I remember CCFD Paramedics treating someone near the CCUSD Adult School Overland Campus… a bicycle laying in the center median near a car. Please drive responsibly.
John L. Heyl
Thank you John and Lynne for your recent letters. I have lived on Braddock, one block from Elenda, for 17 years. Every week I see someone drop their kids off, or pick them up on my block, rather than slog through traffic all the way to the front of the school. Then these “busy” people do a U-turn in the middle of the block and race off to someplace more important. I’d like to ask all of these people how late they will be for work, or the gym, or wherever they are going, if they kill or maim someone and then get cuffed and taken to the police station. And do they really think they will not be devastated if they hit someone else’s kids now that their own are safely within walking distance of the school?
I also would like to warn kids waiting on surrounding streets to be picked up at the end of the day to never, ever sit on the curb. Some young person does this nearly every day. The drivers making these U-turns, and some of those looking for a free parking spot to wait for their own kids, cannot see them sitting on the curb.