Ready to make the world a better place? From 9 to noon this Saturday, January 24, Ballona Creek Renaissance volunteers will be participating in a Los Angeles Audubon-led restoration activity in Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook State Park, 6300 Hetzler Road, Culver City, CA 90232. Open to middle school, high school, and adult volunteers. Enter Hetzler Road from Jefferson Boulevard in east Culver City. Free parking passes will be provided at the park entrance. Bicycle parking also is available. Meet at the visitor’s center at the top of the hill.
Under the expert leadership of LA Audubon’s Margot Griswold, we will be removing invasive plants and weeds and planting native plants. Wear close-toed shoes, long pants, and sun protection.
RSVP and/or get more details via email to [email protected]. That will help us have the necessary plants, tools, gloves, and water for everyone. However, you’ll still be welcome if you come without an RSVP. And students can earn service credits!
Waivers. All volunteers must bring completed waivers or sign them at the site. Minors (under 18) need a parent or guardian signature. Check www.ballonacreek.org for waivers, fliers, and possible updates.
For those who enjoy the outdoors and connecting with the earth, this would be a great way to start the new year!
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