Walk with a Doc This Weekend – Jan. 17

downloadThanks to all who participated in a great Walk with a Doc on December 20. Julie Lugo Cerra led us on a tour of Culver City that brought our history to life. Our one hour jaunt paused for Culver luminaries like missionary Dr. Paul Carlson, Dick Van Dyke and the Wicked Witch of the West.

Our next walk begins at 8:45 am, January 17. First a brief talk: Dr. Jeff Penso will inspire us to keep our New Year Resolutions. Starting at Veteran Park (Culver & Overland), we walk together for one hour through scenic La Ballona, Lindberg Park and back. One hour of exercise at your own pace.

Walk with A Doc Culver City is sponsored by the LA County Medical Association and gets kind support from the Culver Palms YMCA.

Photo credit – Dr. Jeff Penso

The Actors' Gang

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