With the renovation of the Culver City Julian Dixon Library having begun at last, the Crafts Room at Culver City Senior Center will be the place for an 11:00 a.m. meeting of the Culver City Unit of LWV Los Angeles (LWVLA) on Jarnuary 20, 2015 (our regular 3rd Tuesday meeting date). If you are not a CCSC member, you are welcome to park for free across the street at Vets’ Auditorium/Park.
Many people believe that “nonpartisan political activity” is an oxymoron. It isn’t. All the elective positions in Culver City (municipal and school district) are [ theoretically ] nonpartisan, as are all elective municipal and school district positions in the State of California. Political parties may (and often DO) endorse candidates in these elections, but that should not mean that the candidates are supposed to act on behalf of their parties when elected.
This year (2015) we face an LACCD election in March, and a CCUSD School Board election in November. Next year (2016) we face a City Council election in April, as well as the state and national elections (primary and general) in June and November.
With only six or eight active members in the Culver City Unit of LWVLA, we would have a hard time conducting a candidate forum for the CCUSD board election in November 2015 or the Culver City City Council election in April 2016. We could merge with the Westside-University Unit of LWVLA as the ‘Culver City Voter Service Committee’ for that Unit. But I personally believe that Culver City deserves its own LWV Unit.
Unfortunately, I have publicly implied that a person cannot support a candidate in any election and still be an active member of LWV. This is simply not true, and I hereby apologize. What I have meant, and should have stated explicitly, is that LWV does not allow anyone who supports or opposes a particular candidate to appear in public or ‘on camera’ at a candidate forum in which that candidate is involved. Needless to say, there are ‘off camera’ tasks that anyone may perform. Only Local League Presidents and Voter Service Directors (as well as SmartVoter.org volunteers}, are restricted from endorsing candidates. The First Amendment has not been repealed!
I hope to see you on January 20 at 11:00 a.m. at the Culver City Senior Center Crafts Room. If you are unable to attend, I hope you will email or phone me (310 397 4970) with your ideas about the future of LWV in Culver City.
-Frances Talbott-White
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