Hey, Rockhounds! This Monday night, December 8th, marks the Culver City Rock & Mineral Club’s Members’ Annual Holiday Party. The festivities begin at 6:00 p.m. at the Culver City Rotary Plaza, 5100 Overland Avenue, and dinner kicks off at 6:30 p.m. Members should be bringing a side dish or something special to share. The evening will include installation of officers for 2015, followed by the infamous White Elephant Gift Exchange!
Who’s more into an “After the Rain Ballona Creek Cleanup” than the folks at BCR (Ballona Creek Renaissance)? Since there wasn’t any rain on this past Saturday, December 6, BCR members met at the Centinela Avenue creek bike path entrance at Milton Street at 9:00 a.m. for a three-hour trash pickup – worse (or should we say “better”?) than ever, following the kind of rain we’ve just had. BCR and Culver High’s new BCR Club participated in a fun and worthwhile activity for all ages where the inland water and incoming tide meet, a special place of fish, birds, plants—yet still too much trash and concrete! (This is a great way for students to earn community service credits.) For information on future BCR events, visit www.ballonacreek.org.
One of the most positive items on the Culver City Council Agenda for this Monday night, December 8, is sure to be the “Presentation of Commendation to Grace Elliott in Recognition of Her Service on the Disability Advisory Committee.” Public-spirited Grace, seen most often steering her three-wheeler through Culver City streets on yet another mission of good will, will probably make it just in time for the presentation following her regular Monday evening greeting chores at Grace Evangelical Church’s “Grace Diner” program, whereby families in need can receive a hot, nourishing dinner at the church’s Fellowship Hall. Grace and sons Andrew and William Sick will be leaving Culver City on December 28 to join husband Brad Sick in Sydney, Australia, where Brad has a contract working with Fox Studios Australia.
Speaking of Grace/Grace, there will be a Holiday Music Concert at Grace Church by the Choraliers this Wednesday, December 10 at 8:00 p.m. Admission is free, but donations will be gladly accepted. You are asked not to park on Farragut Drive – there’s lots of other street parking, or use the Adult Education lot, one black south of the church. (That night Grace Elliott will either be singing in the program, or greeting at the door. Or both.) The church is located at 4427 Overland Avenue.
Also this Wednesday, December 10 the Culver City Sister City Committee will be journeying all the way to the Del Rey Yacht Club in Marina del Rey for their Annual Holiday Party. It’s been a busy year for the group, and at the dinner City Councilman Jim Clarke, CCSCC Vice President Nancy Perdomo-Browning, Secretary Sonia Karroum and Board Member Sharlene London will talk about the five days that they spent in October in our sister city Iksan City in South Korea, including extra days in Seoul.
Celebrating wintery birthdays this week are Pierre Joujon Roche, Joshua Corey, Julia McCarty, Thalia Johnson, Virginia Hollis, Damon Pressman, Ellen Moe, Lucia Pasquinelli, Robyn Johnson, Rebecca Engel, Linda Gripp, Carl Lundquist, Terry Grimm, Lee Collins, and Andrew Sick. If you’d like to have your (or a friend, neighbor or family member’s) birthday noted here, send the info to [email protected] and we’ll post it!
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