Dear Editor – Senior Protests Staff Change at Senior Center

Light-bulb-0003-300x198Dear Editor,

Culver City Senior Center gym room overseer, Jim Fimiani, has ‘suddenly’ been fired with no explanation after 8 good years, Wednesday Oct 22 is his last day. Why? Jim Famiani is an actual trainer and a true asset to the Senior gym. Fifty to one-hundred members have shown up at various Senior Center board meetings in support of Jim but numerous attempts to reverse the decision have been ignored. No issues with prior boards, only this one. I have been told by a board member that lawyers are now involved. This may escalate.
Thank you,
Carol Ball

The Actors' Gang

1 Comment

  1. Re Carol Ball’s letter, what we have now at the senior gym are three part-time ‘babysitters’ as opposed to one professional trainer who had 20 years experience, much of it with seniors, and who gave personal consultation with the members as needed, and always with a cheerful attitude. The board took an ideal situation and turned it into a negative — not such a fun place these days. That board decision could not have been made with the members in mind.
    Frances Hrobak

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