I have been spending time in Vietnam with my husband, reuniting with my daughter, who was a Fulbright scholar in the town of ThaiNguyen, two hours north of Hanoi. Besides re-discovering Vietnam with our daughter, I was eager to learn more about feng shui in Vietnam and Cambodia.
We flew to Hanoi, and daughter met us at the airport the final day in May – a tearful happy reunion after a year of separation.
Basking in joy, we were driven to our hotel. This was the same hotel my daughter was based at during her meetings with Fulbright and the US Embassy. Jetlagged, we rested here– even though it was evening, it was muggy and warm, and the Hanoi humidity took some getting used to– but we are with our daughter and this is an adventure, so it didn’t matter.
We met the staff that cared for our daughter the past year in the lobby as we checked in. Welcoming us was a picture of the Fulbright group 2014 – who stayed at the hotel for the duration of their contracts.
The lobby was air-conditioned but the hallway was not and the humidity fogged my glasses when we left the lobby. We entered our assigned hotel room and placed the key card in the designated pocket by the door, and the electricity was connected – and so was the air conditioner. There was a welcome note and a bouquet of lilies that sweetened our entrance. It was the first day of our visit to Hanoi — a joyful moment.
The room was organized well, and the furniture was welcoming. I was told that fortunetellers are important here for interior positioning, and the furniture was positioned for good health and prosperity during our stay. Directions, space patterns, and shapes are important appropriately and the Hanoi Rising Dragon Hotel heeded these instructions. Welcome to Hanoi!
In gratitude, Janet Mitsui Brown, www.thejoyoffengshui.com
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