CTG Launches Interactive Blog – The Grid

Screen-Shot-2013-11-08-at-5.46.21-PM-600x116Center Theatre Group has launched The Grid, a new interactive blog where educators can share resources that bring the power of theatre into the classroom. The blog can be accessed at TheGrid.CenterTheatreGroup.org.
The Grid’s Educator Hub provides a place for a vibrant online community of educators to meet, discuss, share and enrich the field of theatre education. Educators can access resources to help integrate theatre into their curriculum and to increase their own knowledge of and passion for theatre. In the Educator Hub, teachers can initiate new topics of conversation in a forum and post activities that their peers can access for use in their classrooms.
“We are thrilled that The Grid is now online and ready for the whole community to dive into,” said Director of Education and Community Partnerships Leslie K. Johnson.
In addition to educators, all patrons will be able to converse with fellow theatre-lovers, catch up on Los Angeles theatre news, and access background information related to Center Theatre Group shows.
The Grid is also a resource for updates about CTG. Readers can discover stories about new plays in development and hear about the 19,000 students, teachers and community members who participate annually in CTG’s educational programs. A general “theatre news” section also highlights recent stories about other Los Angeles theatres. Articles include interviews with artists, production reviews, theatre trivia, casting updates and behind-the-scenes stories. A multimedia tab enables users to access videos and photos.
The Grid was designed to encourage conversation. Readers can share each blog post via Twitter, Facebook and ShareThis, a tool that allows users to share on any social platform they choose.
The Grid supports Center Theatre Group’s belief that the art of theatre is a cultural force with the capacity to transform the lives of individuals and society at large.

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