It is with heavy heart that we announce that our beloved bobcat-lynx Jay passed away Dec. 19, 2013. Jay came to the STAR Eco Station in October 2002, when the police found him being kept as an illegal pet in Burbank. The officers believed him to be too dangerous and mean, and were set to euthanize him right then, but our founders were able to convince them to release him to Eco. For the next 11 years, he proved to be the most inspiring and loving cat, teaching thousands of visitors about conservation. Sadly, his previous owners had Jay declawed, a damaging practice that is illegal for all exotic cats in California and now for domestics in many cities. Jay lived a long and spoiled life, but the crippling effects of his old age combined with the damage from declawing eventually took their toll on Jay. Every measure was taken to ensure the longest and most comfortable life possible. As the first large cat rescued by Eco, Jay charmed the hearts of all our visitors, and he will truly be missed.
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