Council Notes – Presentation and Approvals

Here are some highlights from the City Council meeting of December 16, 2013. At this meeting, the City Council:

• Received a Presentation of a Plaque from the American Public Works
Association Related to the City’s Jefferson Boulevard Pedestrian and
Bicycle Access Improvements Project at Hetzler Road.

• Approved an Amendment to the Existing Professional Services Agreement
with VCA Code Group in an Amount Not-To-Exceed $85,000 (for a Total
Revised Not-To-Exceed Amount of $180,000) for Building Inspection

• Adopted a Resolution Approving an Application for Grant Funds in the
Amount of $791,000 from the Baldwin Hills Conservancy for Proposition 84
Funding for Hetzler Road Pedestrian Trail Improvements.

You may view a complete web cast of the entire meeting by visiting The next City Council meeting will be held
on Monday January 13, 2014 at 7:00 PM.

The Actors' Gang

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