Beaujolais Nouveau @ La Dijonaise – Nov 21

Welcome Le Beaujolais Nouveau on November 21st! According to custom as well as French law, the 2013 vintage Beaujolais Nouveau will be released on Thursday, November 21st.

Over 65 million bottles, nearly half of the Beaujolais region’s total annual production, will be distributed and drunk around the world — and we will have an ample supply at La Dijonaise.

It has become a worldwide race to be the first to serve this new wine of the harvest. It has been carried by motorcycle, balloon, truck, helicopter, Concorde jet, elephant, runners and rickshaws to get it to its final destination. It is amazing to realize that just weeks before this wine was just clusters of grapes in growers’ vineyards. But by an expeditious harvest, a rapid fermentation, and a speedy bottling, all is ready at the midnight hour for the third Thursday of November.

Come and experience the first wine of the vintage. We look forward to sharing it with you.

The Actors' Gang

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