Autumn Feng Shui – Janet Mitsui Brown

Here it is, October in full bloom – the Dodgers are in the playoffs (they might need a qi infusion though), football both college and pro are flourishing, and pro basketball teams are just starting to practice. The air is a little brisk, and summer is a season of the past. It’s time to look forward to Halloween, and the family traditions that follow in the months ahead.

How are you feeling? In the feng shui cycle we are leaving the yang of summer and the heat to the earthly yin of fall – the earth colors predominate – pumpkin orange, gourd yellow, chocolate beige, and we take note that it’s a little cooler.

In Classical school feng shui, we look at a person’s overall potential, and the person’s annual potential. We check the personal trigram according to birth year, and calculate the best sleeping position for rest. We balance the elements in the interior and exterior of the home, and we check the architectural Chi (the energy of the home), the color scheme according to element balance, and we check the ghosts of the past.

In the Black Hat Sect tradition we look at Chi (energy) and we look to cultivate it.

One way to cultivate Chi is to do a Feng Shui visible analysis, and cure missing energy so we will have a balanced home, and positive Chi.

As the yin cycle approaches, cultivate your Chi with potent medicine bags for health, special amulets for prosperity, and magic bags for romance, drawing on these powerful forces to balance & energize you. Consider these special cures your personal cheerleaders, working to empower you, to help you achieve your desired goal.

I wear a monkey amulet daily, and when I am in consultation I always wear the Japanese ojuzu (prayer beads), a Tibetan Buddhist bracelet, and an amulet wrist band for power and increased intuition. I also use special incense to empower health, prosperity and romance. And I find the pendulum to be helpful in strengthening intuition.

Do you need some Joy, an added advantage, a dash of positive energy? Visit the Joy of Feng Shui Store and find your inspiration.

n this transition period The Joy of Feng Shui hosts a fall sale of feng shui hand-picked cures, one of a kind items, that will change the energy in your home or office. The sale runs from October 21 to November 3, and the best part is that it’s all online.

In gratitude for being here in this moment at this time,

Janet Mitsui Brown,

The Actors' Gang

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