The Culver City Symphony presents the final concert of it 2012-13 Season, American Beat/African Influences. Despite being deprived of all worldly possessions, Africans forced to this country held on to their music. Unique African rhythms, and musical scales which are similar to Europe’s but with some degrees of change, influenced American Classical Music. This is a concert of familiar music and new discoveries of Black and White American Composers.
The concert is Saturday, June 8 , 2013, 7:30P.M., at Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City; at the corner of Culver Boulevard and Overland Avenue. Free parking is available. This concert is under the direction Conductor/Music Director-Frank Fetta.
Admission Charge.
$10 Members, Westchester Symphony Society
Membership available at the concert on our website.
$5 17 years of age and under. Box Office opens at 6:30PM
Tickets available at www.culvercitysymphony.org
For additional information please visit our web site: www.culvercitysymphony.org or call 310-717-5500, or send an e-mail to [email protected].
American Beat/African Influences
Frank Fetta-Conductor
Scott Joplin- Solace (arranged by M.L. Hetz) and The Entertainer
William Grant Still – Wood Notes and American Scene
Duke Ellington Selections
George Gershwin-Music from “Porgy and Bess,” Haqumai Sharpe-Tenor;
Aldolphus Hailstork-Celebration
Donations and membership to the Westchester Symphony Society, Inc. are welcome. Members of the Westchester Symphony Society are entitled to reserved concert seating, and to a pre-concert talk given by Conductor Fetta. Membership is available at the concert.
The Westchester Symphony Society, Inc., presents The Culver City Symphony Orchestra, The Marina del Rey Summer Symphony, and produces the Parness Young Artists Fund Concerto Competition.
The Culver City Symphony Orchestra is now in its fourteenth year performing in Culver City, and is in its 50th season. It has performed in many regional venues in the communities of Westchester, Venice, Los Angeles, San Gabriel, and now Culver City.
In addition to presenting the standard orchestra repertoire and concert dramatizations of operas, the orchestra has presented unique concerts devoted to Black American, Hispanic, and Women composers. It is the parent orchestra of the Marina del Rey Summer Symphony which performs at Burton Chace Park. The orchestra has performed at The Los Angeles Street Festival, on live-radio music broadcasts from the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History.
Frank Fetta, Conductor and Music Director, is well known for his conducting of orchestral music, ballet, and opera in Southern California as well as throughout the country including engagements with the San Diego Symphony, the Redlands Bowl Music Festival (of which he is director), the Fresno Philharmonic, the Torrance Symphony, the Nevada Opera Theater, and the Marina del Rey Summer Symphony.
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