Crime Blotter for November 6th through 12th.
Residential Burglary:
On November 7, 2012 at 10:05 pm, officers responded to the 5900 block of Wrightcrest Drive regarding a burglary investigation. The officers met with the victim who told them the following; he left his residence locked and secured at 6:50 pm, when he returned at 8:30 pm he discovered his residence had been ransacked and his property missing.
Stolen Vehicle:
On November 10, 2012 at 3:10 am, officers responded to the 11600 block of McDonald Street regarding a stolen vehicle investigation. The officers met with the victim who told them the following; he said he last drove his 1997 Toyota at 4:00 pm and parked and locked his vehicle. When he returned on November 11th, his vehicle was missing.
On November 10, 2012 at 11:20 am, a victim called the police department to report his 1998 Chevrolet Van had been vandalized while parked in the 4100 block of Elenda Street.
Car Burglary:
On November 10, 2012 at 9:37 pm, officers responded to the 4200 block of Duquesne Avenue regarding a car burglary investigation. The officers met with the victim who told them the following; he said he parked and locked his 2010 Chevrolet in the 6600 block of Green Valley Circle at 5:00 pm. When he returned at 9:20 pm he discovered the passenger window had been smashed out and his property missing.
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