This week the Culver City Chamber of Commerce program Network @ Noon will provide an opportunity to network with just six, count ‘em six, other members instead (or in addition to) the larger monthly luncheon meetings. You pay, bring your business cards, marketing materials, and an appetite for good food and great networking and you’re in! (You must be a Chamber member to attend, though, and please, only one person per business) The date is this Wednesday, November 14, 12 noon sharp, at the DoubleTree by Hilton Los AngelesWestside, 6161 Centinela Ave.’s SHARE Restaurant. The cost is $20.00 per person, prepaid only and reservations are a must – RSVP by 1:00 p.m. this Tuesday, November 13. Call the Chamber office at (310)287-3850.
Also this Wednesday, November 14: If you haven’t RSVP’d for the Chamber’s screening of the newest James Bond smash-hit film “Skyfall,” showing at Sony Pictures’ Cary Grant Theater on the lot, you could be too late! Should be terrific – with discounts on dinners and desserts at local restaurants included with the ticket. You might call (310) 287-3850 on Tuesday (the office is closed Monday) and whine a little…maybe there’s still room!
The Friends of the Culver City Youth Health Center will have their annual meeting on Thursday, November 15th from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Culver City School District Board Room. The program features a discussion of The Terrible Teens? by Sarah Carpenter, M.D. Dr. Carpenter is an Adolescent Specialist at Kaiser Permanente and a volunteer doctor at the Culver City Youth Health Center. She will address a variety of issues that families of teenagers encounter and also take questions from the audience. Everyone is invited to attend. The Health Center is located on the campus of Culver City High School and Middle School. Free physical and mental health services are provided to children living in Culver City or attending Culver City schools. The nonprofit Center is supported through grants and donations. The Friends group serves as the fundraising arm of the Health Center. For more information about the Center or this special event call Andy at 310-837-5012 or Diana at 310-839-0862.
Busy weekend coming up: this Saturday, November 17 starting at 9:00 a.m. the Culver City Friends of the Library will be hosting their Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair and Used Book Sale at the Culver City Julian Dixon Library, 4975 Overland Ave. Lots of handmade gifts will be available for purchase (jewelry, greeting cards, ornaments, holiday decorations, etc.) along with a huge selection of “gently used” books, comic books and National Geographic magazines. The Arts & Crafts Fair closes at 2:00 p.m.; the Book Sale at 3:00 p.m.
The LADSO (Los Angeles Doctors Symphony Orchestra) is announcing its first concert of the season, and it will be in Culver City! The program includes Brahms Symphony No. 1 in C minor, Dvorak Slavonic Dances, Op 46 (dances 1, 3, and 8), and Orbit: A Symphonic Fantasy (world premiere – written for LADSO by composer-in-residence Karim Elmahmoudi). This exciting concert is free and takes place this coming Sunday, November 18 at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium, corner Overland and Culver. The performance is made possible in part by a Culver City Art in Public Places Program Performing Arts Grant with support from Sony Pictures Entertainment and the LA County Arts Commission. (The Los Angeles Doctors Symphony was founded in 1953 and remains one of the oldest community orchestras in the country with origins in the medical profession. The mission of the orchestra “… is to enrich our communities through the healing power of music.”)
It Takes a Village Dep’t. – the Culver City Rock & Mineral Club adds new members monthly, but it sounds like very few rockhounds want to actually serve on the club’s committees, leaving the chairs to do most of the work. The 2013 slate of officers will be voted on at Monday night’s meeting (November 12, 7:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Veterans’ Memorial Building – enter from rear door). Guests are always welcome, and there are lots of interesting programs, a shop to work in, and the annual gem show.
Also this Saturday, November 17, 9am-noon, you can get the family together and join others for a Ballona Creek Cleanup project. Folks are meeting at the creek bike path entrance, Centinela Ave. & Milton St., Los Angeles 90066. Join members of the Ballona Creek Renaissance (BCR) to help clean the creek of ocean-bound trash at this attractive mini-park, where the incoming tide meets the outgoing runoff. Open to volunteers of all ages! Parents must accompany children and sign for minors (under 18). BCR signs for community service credits!
Birds, fish, and reeds co-habit the area, so remember to respect and protect while you collect. special care and attention speciaFor more on what to bring, what to expect, and waiver forms, go online to www.ballonacreek.org. Rain day, if needed: Saturday, December 1, 9 am-noon. BCR also needs volunteer co-leaders for their cleanups – they will train you to help host one or more fun and worthwhile events a year. Contact [email protected].
We think winter’s finally here, but birthday candles are burning warmly for Cathy Lugo, Shirley Miyamoto, Pat Clapp, Alida Brundo, Debbie Jacobowitz, Virgie Eskridge, Mardi Gillette, Don Gripp, Tim Lowe, Don Thorne, Paula Boelsems, Scott Johnson, Stephen Jahn, Kathy Mainzer, Gary Mitchell, Randal Rhodes, Amy Hodge, Kathy Mc Conkey-Murphy, Erik Monson, Torrie Ramsbottom, Consuelo Socorro Santiago, Stephen Silverman, Violet Woodward Pu, Christine De La Rosa, Alia Matthews, Amy M Hodge, Takehiko Suzuki, Sonia Tostado, Roland Jordan, Di Krall, Jake Baxter, Jim McNamara, Caitlin Robertson, Patricia Shimozo-Allen, Pamela Williams, Carol Franklin, Ariel Hurley, Eileen Lewis, Fernando Navas, Hiroko Aoyagi, Mary Downes, Madhulika Jupelli, Darlene Kiyan, Vanessa Ragland, Dolores Smith, Michael Stiles, and Maureen Zuniga-Saborio. Want to include your, a friend, or family member’s birthday in LOCALmotion? Let us know at [email protected].
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