Youth Health Center- Terrible Teens ?

The Friends of the Culver City Youth Health Center will have their annual meeting on Thursday, November 15th from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Culver City School District Board Room. The program features a discussion of The Terrible Teens? by Sarah Carpenter, M.D. Dr. Carpenter is an Adolescent Specialist at Kaiser Permanente and a volunteer doctor at the Culver City Youth Health Center. She will address a variety of issues that families of teenagers encounter and also take questions from the audience. Everyone is invited to attend.
The Health Center is located on the campus of Culver City High School and Middle School. Free physical and mental health services are provided to children living in Culver City or attending Culver City schools. The nonprofit Center is supported through grants and donations. The Friends group serves as the fundraising arm of the Health Center. For more information about the Center or this special event call Andy at 310-837-5012 or Diana at 310-839-0862.

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