Vice Mayor Jeff Cooper took a few moments Friday to discuss the upcoming election with a group of undecided voters. The following is the text from Mr. Cooper’s presentation.
“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my two and one-half years on City Council. We’ve made significant progress in many areas, and despite what has happened in Sacramento, our city is better today than it was two years ago. Indeed, Culver City is better in 2012 than it was in 2007, 2002, 1997 or 1992. It is a great city with great people.”
“I moved from the Bay Area 30 years ago, relocating to Culver City. And what a great decision that was! Culver City has all the amenities of a big city, without the big city detriments. We have our own police force, fire department, refuse service, street repair, parks department, etc. If someone needs to get something done or fixed, it’s easy to find the right person. With no offense to Los Angeles, I couldn’t imagine trading in Culver City for Los Angeles. No way.”
The fact that Culver City is independent and its own city is one of the major reasons why Measure Y is so important. As you all know, Measure Y is a half-cent City sales tax to maintain essential Culver City services such as 911 emergency responses, paramedics, police and fire protection, as well as funding for sidewalk and street repairs, parks, senior and after-school programs. It’s a temporary tax, it expires in ten years. The best thing, of the many great things, is that all the revenue, every single penny, stays in Culver City. Almost as good, and equally as important, the majority of revenue comes from non-residents shopping and dining in Culver City. So, we get 100% of the benefit, but we pay far less than half of the tax.”
“Here’s a bit of history. Since 2008, Culver City has lost $4.5 million in state funding, $6 million in local revenue due to the economy and housing markets, and millions annually through Sacramento’s elimination of our Redevelopment Agency. These losses have left the City unable to fund essential public services at the levels necessary to meet current and future needs. We’ve already made significant cuts, cuts that most residents will never feel. That’s the good part. The bad part is what happens if Measure Y doesn’t pass.”
“If Measure Y does not pass, the City will need to make more severe cuts to essential city services, which could include reducing both fire and police levels, reducing or eliminating senior and parks services, and reducing street, sidewalk, and tree maintenance, to name just a few.”
“Please join me in voting Yes on Measure Y.”
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