Dear Editor – Fracking Meeting Tonight

Dear Editor-

Friends, Neighbors, & for All who care,

Culver City spent almost $1 million to protect us from hazards that can arise from PXP’s proposed oil & gas exploration& production.
Remember how PXP’s blowout had us enveloped in noxious fumes for a # of days in 2006.
As part of the legal settlement an hydraulic fracturing study was required.

This Monday evening, PXP will be presenting their findings, basically saying their study found no harm in using this method. This Fracking Study conducted by Oil Industry experts including Halliburton, extrapolated findings from 2 neighboring vertical wells in this 1000 acres oil field and used mathematical models and charts with beautiful colors to imply that fracking is safe in our community.

As I began to read the document, I realized why in somewhat similar circumstances, Governor Andrew Cuomo instead of lifting a yearlong ban on fracking in New York State, just recently extended it pending much more serious study. Yes, Fracking is forever!

If this is of interest to you, please join me on Monday evening to raise your questions and concerns.
Suzanne De Benedittis

What: Plains Exploration & Production Company (PXP) Annual Community Meeting

When: This Monday, October 15, 6:30 pm

Where: Knox Presbyterian Church, 5840 La Tijera Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90056


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