Legislative Updates from Rep. Holly Mitchell

From the office of 47th District Rep. Holly Mitchell – “So far we are off to a good start. Four out of the six bills held on suspense in the Assembly’s fiscal committee were released for consideration on the Assembly floor, where all four passed into the Senate. That brings the total of ten bills currently being considered by the State Senate.”

Below is a brief summary of Mitchell’s current legislative package:

AB 389- Sets single standard for private pay & public insurers on handling blood clotting factor. This bill has been signed by the Governor!

AB 1432- “Caylee’s Law” requires that a parent or guardian report the death or disappearance of a child under 14 to law enforcement within 24 hours. This bill is awaiting consideration on the Senate Floor

AB 1445- extends the sunset for the Inmate Welfare Fund which assists inmates transitioning out of county jail with counseling, work placement education and housing assistance. This bill is awaiting consideration by the Senate Appropriations committee

AB 1533- Allows graduates of UCLA’s International Medical Graduates Program to participate in hands-on training for their graduate students. This bill is awaiting consideration by the Governor

AB 1640- Allows pregnant teens aged 18 years and under to access CalWORKS benefits beginning during their first trimester. This bill is awaiting consideration by the Senate Appropriations committee

AB 1803- Sets “Reasonable Person Standard” for reimbursability of Emergency Room care. This bill is awaiting consideration by the Senate Appropriations committee

AB 1899- Allows victims of human trafficking and related crimes to pay in-state tuition when attending public universities. This bill is awaiting consideration by the Senate Appropriations committee

AB 2015- Ensures that parents detained by ICE are allowed phone calls to ensure the safe placement of their children. This bill is awaiting consideration by the Senate Appropriations committee

AB 2266- Taps increased federal funding for homeless who frequent emergency rooms. This bill is awaiting consideration by the Senate Appropriations committee

AB 2348- Allows registered nurses (RN’s) to dispense birth control pills pursuant to a standardized procedure developed with a physician. This bill is pending referral to the Senate Floor for a vote of the Senate

AB 2548- Requires that at least one member of California’s Veterans Board have substantial knowledge and training on issues specific to women veterans, such a military sexual abuse. This bill is awaiting consideration by the Senate Appropriations committee

In addition, Mitchell was thrilled to report that her joint-authored legislation sponsored by Attorney General Kamala Harris’s “Homeowner Bill of Rights” has been signed by the Governor. This bill is a huge step forward for homeowners still reeling from the mortgage crisis and in need of some common sense legislation that helps those homeowners trying to do the right thing.

The Actors' Gang

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