The Culver City Symphony Orchestra again packs up the music stands and stand lights, notifies the musicians, tells the librarian, the stage manager and along with Conductor Frank Fetta move a few miles west to our summer home at Burton Chace Park, Marina del Rey, for our summer season performing as the Marina del Rey Summer Symphony.
Don’t we all deserve to spend some in a park along the water? I think we do. But some words to the wise, it can get quite chilly at the park. Bring a warm jacket or sweater, a blanket for the grass and even head covering. If you don’t need it you can take if off, but no matter the heat coming from the orchestra while performing, sitting in the audience can get cold.
These summer concerts take place due to the vision and efforts of Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe, through Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors.
All concerts are at 7PM
No admission charge
Burton Chace Park,
13650 Mindanao Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6964
There are parking lots on Mindanao before the park.
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