Mortgage blues? You are not alone- there will be a Town Hall to provide information on what Attorney General Kamala D. Harris and the California Legislative Black Caucus are doing to protect our state’s homeowners on Thursday, June 21 at 6 pm at the California Science Center at 700 State Drive.
The California Homeowners Bill of Rights is a legislative package designed to bring fairness, accountability and transparency to the state’s mortgage and foreclosure process. Find out about these bills, as well as what the historic $18 billion national mortgage settlement and other protections, will do to protect California homeowners.
Attorney General Kamala D. Harris authored the California Homeowner Bill of Rights designed to protect homeowners from unfair practices by banks and mortgage companies and to help consumers and communities cope with the state’s urgent mortgage and foreclosure crisis.
“I want to congratulate the Attorney General on the victory she won on behalf of the people of California,” said Speaker John A. Pérez. “Our state has suffered greatly as the result of bad actors in the banking and financial industries, and this settlement holds them accountable as we continue the difficult work of recovering the housing market and stemming the tide of foreclosures, evictions and auctions.”
“Millions of Californians have already lost their homes to foreclosure and the mortgage crisis is far from over,” said Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg. “This landmark settlement negotiated by Attorney General Harris helps thousands of Californians but thousands more need the same help. We need to put these protections into law so that more people can save their homes.”
When: Thursday, June 21, 2012 • 6 pm
Where: California Science Center
Wallis Annenberg Building (Muses Room)
700 State Drive, Los Angeles
For more information or to RSVP, please contact: blackcaucus.legislature.ca.gov
**FREE Parking is available in the visitor lot at 39th and Figueroa**
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