April 25 is Denim Day – Sign On and Show Your Colors

The way our society thinks about rape and receives survivors is not only tragic, it’s dangerous. Fearing that they won’t be believed, survivors are less likely to report their rapes, which means rapists stay out of jail, which means they are free to rape again. Even when women go to the police with evidence, the crime may be dismissed without any charges being filed. The time to change this is now.

As Mariska Hargitay and Patti Giggins noted in the HuffPost, Denim Day is about coming together as a community that has no tolerance for sexual violence, a community that commits its resources — intellectual, financial, emotional — to responding differently to survivors and making their healing a priority.

Last year, Denim Day reached 2.6 million participants. The goal for this year’s 13th Annual Denim Day is to surpass that number. With our collective voices and commitment, we can. In New York City, for example, a coalition of organizations and agencies has come together to bring Denim Day into schools, streets and beyond to engage both adults and youth with activities and workshops in all five boroughs.

The goal is to inspire courageous, transparent, accountable leadership within the many institutions that have failed to acknowledge and respond to sexual violence — schools, corporations, places of worship, families.

CulverCityCrossroads wants to inspire you. Join people across the country tomorrow who will be wearing jeans as a show of their confidence in the power of an enlightened, courageous community that stands together and declares: “There is no excuse for and never an invitation to rape.”

To register as part of the Denim Day community and for more information and materials about Denim Day, visit www.denimdayusa.org.


The Actors' Gang

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