I enthusiastically endorse Meghan Sahli-Wells for City Council.
So many reasons, so little space. But here are a few:
Meghan believes our residents must be involved in the decisions that affect them. She has persevered to make certain that the members of our community have the opportunity to become involved. One example: she pushed the City Council to adopt new guidelines for notifying the public about proposed development so that residents would have a better opportunity to participate in the development process—and she finally succeeded in getting the City Council to adopt new notification guidelines.
A second example: she pushed for greater outreach to the community around the “Parcel B” development so that more residents could give their input.
A third example: whenever Meghan goes door-to-door campaigning, she always asks residents what they think about various city issues because their points of view are important to her and valuable.
Meghan is one determined and effective individual! She spoke out first about the importance of banning plastic bags, and now all the candidates agree with her! She fought to scale back the controversial 4043 Irving Place development in order to prevent lead contamination from endangering nearby schoolchildren and residents—and won!
Whenever Meghan focuses upon an important Culver City issue, she succeeds in attracting dozens or scores of residents to participate. Her enthusiasm is contagious; her ability to create consensus is powerful and productive. And she’s drawing more of Culver City’s younger residents into our civic life.
Meghan is realistic, pragmatic and also creative. She knows full well the difficult times we’re living in, but she also believes that with out-of-the-box thinking there’s much we can do to address Culver City’s problems and improve life in our community.
Please join me in voting for Meghan Sahli-Wells on Tuesday, April 10.
Rebecca Rona-Tuttle
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