Effective today, Monday, April 2 the Culver City Chamber of Commerce opens the doors of its new office in Westfield Culver City (known to many old timers as Fox Hills Mall).They’re located in Suite #1260 on the ground floor, just under Target and around the corner from Best Buy, providing expanded service to the business community plus the ability to introduce visitor information services for one of the city’s fastest growing revenues, the area’s international travelers. All contact information is the same except for the mailing address: 6000 Sepulveda Blvd., #1260, Culver City, CA 90230-6425.
Making history, one year at a time – that’s popular City Tavern, celebrating its first anniversary with a salute to the Culver City Historical Society this Tuesday, April 3. From 5-7 p.m. City Tavern (first cousin to Rush Street, approximately two blocks east) will host a private fundraiser party for the CCHS plus Tavern guests, with complimentary appetizers and special beverages. Then at 7 p.m. the doors will open to the public with 10% of the night’s tabs going to benefit the Historical Society. All this in addition to a separate donation by the Tavern (located at 9739 Culver Blvd.) – and well, the rest is history!
Also happening this Tuesday evening, April 3 is the first meeting of the Culver City Garden Club in its new home, the Star Education Corporate Headquarters, next to Star Eco Station, 10101 W Jefferson Blvd. The program, “California Native Plants for the Garden”, will be presented by Bart O’Brien, Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Gardens, Claremont, author of the book of the same name. Joining him will be Ryan Guillou from Grow Native Nursery in Westwood with some native plants for sale. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m., and of course there will be refreshments, and the popular plant “Show & Tell” table. Guests are welcome – for more information visit www.culvercitygardenclub.org
A busy weekend: Passover 2012 will start on Saturday, the 7th of April and will continue for seven days until Friday, April 13th. In honor of Easter Sunday on April 8, the Culver City Emblem Club #254 will be hosting its Easter Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt with Ms. Bunny Rabbit (guess the Mister is busy elsewhere) for Elks Lodge and Emblem Club members’ families. Breakfast is at 10:00 a.m. and the Egg Hunt at 1:00 p.m. Sunday, April 8. It’s going to be a busy time, so check your favorite church, temple or local house of worship for special services.
Ballona Creek Renaissance (BCR), dedicated to renewing Ballona Creek and its watershed for a healthier, more sustainable environment and community, urges locals to circle Friday, April 13, 7:30 p.m. on their calendars. That evening Assembly District 47 Environmental Cabinet and Andy Shrader will present “Is Your Life Too Plastic?,” an entertaining film that looks at the human and environmental health impacts of plastic trash in our communities, waterways, and ocean. The film and the discussion that follows is free and open to the public and will be presented at West Los Angeles College’s Fine Arts Auditorium, 9000 Overland Ave. For more information on BCR, go to www.ballonacreek.org.
The turnout was heartwarming for services celebrating Vern Larsen’s life last Saturday at the Marina del Rey Hotel. More than 250 guests shared laughter and tears as family, friends and neighbors came to the podium to talk about the joy he had brought them. Vern, 83, who was looking forward to a round of golf the next day peacefully passed away in his sleep last Tuesday at his home in San Juan Capistrano. Family, travel, golf, and USC football had been Vern’s lifelong passions and following retirement he was able to indulge them all, plus make frequent visits to his Culver City Exchange Club meetings and enjoying the occasional morning coffee with pals Earl Eskridge, Andy Weissman, Steve Rose, Alan Goldman and Phil Tangalakis. Donations in Vern’s memory may be made to The Wounded Warriors Project at www.woundedwarriorprojct.org.
We’ve had requests to include the week’s birthday celebrants’ names in LOCALmotion, so we’ll start slowly and build as we hear from you: Among those blowing out the candles this week are Don Ericsson, Don Perlick, Beverly Peterson, Colleen Jones, Jody Hall-Esser, Doneil Weissman…and? If you’d like your birthday included in future columns, please let us know at [email protected]
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