Whether we like it or not, we are living in “interesting times.” The economy is limping toward a recovery, but cities are still feeling a serious financial crunch. On a state and national level, politicians seem intent on being as divisive as possible and presenting choices in stark black and white. We are fortunate in Culver City. Yes, we are facing tough budget choices and difficult fiscal times. But we have a number of intelligent, dedicated individuals who are willing and able to work together to navigate these troubled waters, who are able to work together, and who are able to see the shades of grey that reflect reality and not ideology. Scott Malsin is one of them.
Scott [Malsin] has shown us over the years that he has a good grasp of the issues and options facing our city. He is level-headed and intelligent. He cares about the future of Culver City and has the vision to help lead us forward. I feel comfortable and confident in his judgment and guidance, and I am happy to have the opportunity to support him for another term on City Council. It is shaping up to be an “interesting” election, but I am heartened by the fact that there are competent people like Scott who are willing to take on the thankless task of making the tough decisions.
Nancy Kuechle
Culver City
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