Weissman Calls for Community to Discuss Future Benefits

Weisman supporters at campaign launch party
Weisman supporters at campaign launch party

Councilman Andy Weissman said that he will call on his fellow Councilmembers to agendize a discussion to end the city’s practice of providing lifetime health benefits for City Councilmembers and seek additional ways to engage the community in discussions regarding the city’s financial position and priorities.

Andy’s comments came at a recent candidate forum and drew support from the crowd.

“We know these are especially difficult economic times,” he said. “Culver City’s budget is structurally unbalanced. Our reserves are going down, not up. Business as usual can no longer be Culver City’s business model.Things are going have to be different going forward.

“I think the justification for providing lifetime retiree medical benefits to elected officials needs to be re-evaluated. Councilmembers volunteer to serve the community. We ask that you elect us to represent you.

Medical benefits during the period of our service as councilmembers, ‘fine’ – lifetime retiree medical benefits after our terms are over, ‘no.'”

Andy went on to say that he will ask the City Council to agendize a discussion on the matter as soon as possible and added that he wants the City to do a better job of communicating with its residents.

“I want us to hold meetings with the community, all of the community, not merely those who scream the loudest or the longest or with the most passionate sense of outrage,” he said. We need to have discussions regarding the City’s financial position, the services we provide, the programs we offer and support, what else we might want to do and how to prioritize them given the City’s financial position.

“I am committed to making Culver City the best possible place to live, work and play. The community at large needs to play an active role in helping to guide us in determining the future for Culver City”

The Actors' Gang

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