We win! The video voting that kept you all clicking for weeks has brought Panther Partners $10,000 for our music programs, courtesy of our friends at the tv show Glee! This Friday, Dec. 16 at 11:45 at the Culver City Middle School, representatives and cast members from Glee! will present an oversized check to the Panther Partners After-School Theatre Program as part of the Give A Note campaign. The campaign was created to bring attention to the importance of music education in schools and also to help provide funding to school music programs in need. The $10,000 being presented is just part of $1 million given away throughout the campaign and funded through sales of the Glee DVDs – $1 of each DVD sold went toward the $1,000,000.
The Glee Give a Note contest began on September 6, 2011, inviting eligible schools to submit videos about why their school was in need of a music education grant at www.GleeGiveANote.com. After a public voting period, videos were evaluated by teams of National Association for Music Education music educators. Criteria included relevance to music education, emotional and inspirational appeal, demonstrated financial need, and public voting. Culver City Middle School’s video earned more than 15,000 votes – the nation’s highest vote count for a middle school.
The two-minute CCMS video submission shows how diverse and special this program is, including great moments of inspired teaching, strong voices, and some fun humorous surprises. The students come from different social groups, but together they find their voices – individually and collectively and a community to belong.
The Panther Partners After-School Theatre Arts program has created an amazing community where kids feel safe to express themselves. Most notable is that 40% of the students enrolled are on scholarships. Since the program relies 100% on parent volunteers, donations, and grants to make it happen each and every school year, every penny counts. The $10,000 Glee! Grant will allow this program to continue.
WHO: Cast members from the television show Glee!
Representatives from the Panther Partners After-School Theatre program
Hundreds of Culver City Middle School students
WHEN: Friday, December 16, 2011 @ 11:45 am
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