Lots of Culver City locals make art, or create crafts, or do both. How many are selling online at Etsy? Available online starting today, PBS Arts continues its new interactive series, ‘Off Book’, with a short film dedicated to independent craftsmen and how the world of Etsy has expanded their reach. Watch it here www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMcSaQRztsY
America has enjoyed a long tradition of handmade arts and crafts that for a long time was overshadowed by the homogenizing force of mass-manufacturing and retail culture. In this latest “Off Book” feature, PBS explores how an organically-grown community of artists and craft-makers has become newly accessible to the general public via the Etsy platform. Etsy provides a vehicle for communication that enables sales to appreciative fans and customers and offers a medium through which creative ideas can be shared. Through the decades, the passion for handmade arts has never disappeared, and now in the age of the internet these local craft cultures and artists have found a unifying online community.
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