Interested in giving the school district a piece of your mind? How about volunteering the whole brain? CCUSD is currently seeking applicants for both the Community Budget Advisory Committee (CBAC) and the Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC).
CBAC is composed of a group of dedicated individuals who learn about, and stay abreast of, school district finances. This committee makes recommendations to the Board of Education on a variety of budgeting and fiscal matters. Committee members also share their knowledge and insight throughout the community.
CBAC is comprised of community representatives, District administrators and bargaining unit employees. Community members are appointed by the Board of Education.
The ESC advises and works with District staff on a range of environmental issues and makes recommendations to the Superintendent to present to the Board of Education. The ESC is now focusing on the GREEN5 campaign, recycling, and solar energy.
Applications for both committees are due to the Superintendent’s Office no later than 4 p.m. on Friday, October 14, 2011. (So get busy – Like Right Now)
For more information, on how to apply, go to the District site by click on the box on the lower right side of the page.
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