CCUSD’s Nutrition Services Department has been working with parents to move in a direction that offers both better nutrition and more sustainable practices, so that the health of our students and the health of the planet all benefit from our choices. The department is made up of a team of food and nutrition professionals that are dedicated to students’ health, well being and their ability to learn.
Food and beverages sold or served at school meet the nutrition recommendations of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines. The District provides students with access to a diverse selection of affordable and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students.
Newly added for the 2011-1012 school year:
• More 51% wheat and whole grain bread & pasta options
• Farm-to-School produce offerings
• New breakfast items that include, but are not limited to, new Tex-Mex Breakfast Bowl & Breakfast Split
• Monday Morning Breakfast Front Door Kiosk (at selected sites).
Returning for the 2011-21012 school year:
• Meatless Mondays
• A second vegetarian entree choice on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
• Fresh Fruit & Salad Bar, featuring assorted fresh, dried and canned fruits and vegetables as well as special salads (selection changes daily)
In addition, CCUSD is doing its part to be environmentally sensitive.
At elementary school sites, we will be replacing “sporkette” packages with a spork and napkin from Georgia Pacific that is a #5 plastic and a recycled brown paper product, respectively. So, no more straws and no more plastic cover sleeves.
At CCMS and CCHS, there will be no more polystyrene trays. We are changing to a heavy-duty paper plate that is biodegradable. The pagoda boxes will also change to a biodegradable product, our salad containers will be made from recycled bottles and we are looking at alternative sandwich packaging and labels.
We will make the changes gradually, as we do need to use the product we have on hand, but as we need to reorder, we will reorder the new product.
Thanks to the staff for feeding the kids and helping the planet.
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