Beginning Saturday, July 9 Culver City’s most avid lapidary artists and collectors will be at the Vets Auditorium for the 50th Anniversary of the Fiesta of Gems. Starting at 10 a.m.
the Culver City Rock and & Mineral Club will be presenting “Silver – the New Gold.” This two day event will feature 37 vendors and two new areas for dealers; the Garden Room and the Garden Patio. The entrance to the show has been relocated from last year, so you can start shopping in the Garden Room and Garden Patio first. They will also open up the auditorium so you can make a complete circle of the Dealers starting from the Garden Room thru the patio
into the Auditorium past the Demonstrators on s tage and dealers on the floor up the incline past the books and magazines, into the kids games and education area out to the lobby for plants and Club info, and then into the Rotunda for more great shopping. Or you can go the opposite direction and and see everything just as easily. At the club info both, let them know what you think of the new layout, dealers and entrance, sometime during your visit, and you can help the club to present the next show with your feedback.
Head over to the Vets for two wonderful days of displays, dealers, demos, kid’s games, jewelry classes, raffles, fun, and learning. Admission is free ( and education is priceless) so come and find out more. Questions? CulverCityRocks.org
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