Price to Receive Museum Honors for Support of Arts Education

Senator Curren D. Price, Jr. will be presented with the President’s Award from the California Association of Museums (CAM) for his support of the state’s museums and cultural institutions in a ceremony on May 26,  at 4 p.m. at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County at 900 Exposition Boulevard, LA.

Senator Price was chosen to receive the President’s Award because of legislation he has introduced that shows his strong support of the arts, museums, and initiatives that support creativity and innovation.

“I am committed to art education for everyone in our community, from the youngest to the oldest. Museums allow a close up, first-hand experience with art and history that cannot be gleaned from books, newspapers or television,” Senator Price said.

As Chair of the Joint Committee on the Arts, Senator Price championed a bill last year that now allows taxpayers to make voluntary contributions to the California Arts Council on their state personal income tax returns.

“It is an innovative approach to raise additional funding for the California Arts Council at a time when the arts community in California is hurting,” said Senator Price.” By tapping the generous spirit of California’s citizens, this measure will help support important arts programs in our schools and in our communities.”

“Quality art education is vital to the development and enhancement of the talent and promise of students in California. For those students who are fortunate enough to take part in such programs they learn the art of creative endeavors while enhancing their confidence, self-esteem and appreciation of the state’s cultural diversity.”

Senator Price is also the author of SB 789 Public School Performance Accountability Program: Creative and Innovative Education Index which would authorize the same committee that makes recommendations for our standardized tests to expand their role to include recommendations for methods to foster creative and innovative education in public schools at little to no costs.

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