When local swimmers realized that Los Angeles county ranked highest in California for near drowning incidents*, they jumped into action to help save LA kids from becoming a statistic.
Swimmers from the LA Tri Club and SCAQ (Southern California Aquatics) are teaming up for an unprecedented aquatic feat – the Coast-to-Coast Swim Challenge to promotesafety and fund free swim lessons for LAs kids.
The Coast-to-Coast Swim Challenge will unite Southern California swimmers of all levels to collectively swim 2,462 miles — the point-to-point distance between LA and New York — in a single day, in a single pool.
With Memorial Day approaching and soaring summer temperatures luring kids to the ocean and swimming pools, empowering LA kids with swimming and water safety knowledge to help save their lives is foremost on these swimmers action list.
The Coast-to-Coast Swim Challenge will take place on Sunday, May 22 from 5 a.m. to midnight at the Culver City Plunge aquatic center located at 4175 Overland Avenue, Culver City. As part of this important and fun-filled event, there will be all-day DJs, a fitness expo and gourmet food trucks.
Swimmers with all levels of experience are invited to join in and swim a thirty minute leg (or more) with LA Tri Club and SCAQ members, elite athletes, athletes from local high school and college teams, as well as friends and family, for this non-stop marathon of lap swimming.
The Coast-to-Coast Swim Challenge Will Unite So Cal Athletes to Promote Water Safety and Fund Free Swim Lessons for Local Kids. Presented by LA Tri Club and SCAQ (Southern California Aquatics), the Coast-to-Coast Swim Challenge will unite Southern California athletes to collectively swim 2,462 miles — the point-to-point distance between LA and New York — in a single day, in a single pool. Beyond making a splash with a new world record attempt for the most miles swum by a group in one day, this unprecedented aquatic feat is being held to promote water safety and raise funds for a free swim instruction program that benefits children.
The Coast-to-Coast Swim Challenge will take place on Sunday, May 22, 2011 from 5 a.m. to midnight at the Culver City Plunge aquatic center located at 4175 Overland Avenue, Culver City. LA Tri Club and SCAQ members will be joined by athletes from local high school and college teams, as well as friends and family, for this non-stop marathon of lap swimming. To complete the distance of 2,462 miles, individual swimmers are expected to complete lap intervals that range between 1/2 mile – 2 1/2 miles each — or even more.
“We are fortunate to live in an area with great access to pools and the ocean, yet the region’s drowning statistics for children are truly frightening,” said Larry Turkheimer LA Tri Club co-founder. “Drowning surpasses all other causes of death among children age 14 and under in California, while Los Angeles County has by far the highest rate of near-drowning of any county in the state. The Coast-to-Coast Swim Challenge is a way for our members and other So Cal swimmers to help reduce these tragic numbers by making free swim instruction available to children in our community who otherwise might not be able to learn how to be safe in the water.”
“We are extremely grateful to the Culver City Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services which has wholeheartedly embraced this one-of-a-kind fundraiser and provided us with a great venue in the Culver City Plunge,” said Clay Evans, SCAQ Founder.
Swimmers participating in the Coast-to-Coast Swim Challenge will sign up for one or more 30-minute stages and will receive lane assignments with swimmers of similar speed. Swimmers registering in advance may request — but are not guaranteed — specific swim times.
Participants and spectators will also enjoy visiting the Coast-to-Coast Swim Challenge Expo and the food trucks on hand selling distinctive fare throughout the day. For information, or to register for the Coast-to-Coast Swim Challenge, visit www.coast2coastswim.com.
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