Teenagers and adults are constantly bombarded with sexual messages. Technology has changed the way we communicate. Do you ever wonder how this is affecting teens? Want to get the conversation started but don’t know how? Professional advice could be just the thing.
Join Jade Singer and Marni Parsons as they present an exciting talk filled with valuable information on parenting and teen sexuality. Bring your questions, concerns, and anyone you know who has teenagers.Let’s talk on May 12 at the Julian Dixon Culver City Library from 6 to 8 p.m.
Space is limited so please call Marni at 310-435-3622 or email [email protected] to reserve your seat today!
Jade Singer is a licensed Physician Assistant who has been practicing gynecology for over 25 years. She holds a master’s in public health with a speciality in health education and is certified as a sex counselor. Jade is a national speaker, educating both health professionals and the public about current trends in adolescent sexuality.. An engaging and passionate speaker, her presentation is filled with information vital in the navigation of parenting in the 21st Century.
Marni Parsons is a PCI Certified Parent Coach®. Certified Positive Discipline Educator & Family Consultant. As the mother of two teenage girls she understands the challenges inherent in raising children who are self-disciplined, responsible, and effective problem solvers. Marni is a sought after speaker who talks from her heart with humor and compassion. For more information visit her website at www.acoach4parents.com
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