On Memorial Day I had the pleasure of sitting down and speaking with Speaker Emeritus Karen Bass.
The devastation due to the Gulf Oil Spill puts us on notice of the catastrophic consequences densely populated urban oil field areas can suffer from oil and gas exploration, especially if they are located on active fault lines.
Given this imminent danger, I asked the Speaker that when elected to Congress if she would initiate proceedings with FEMA and Interior Secretary Salazar to mandate a moratorium on oil and gas exploration and production in oil fields nearby densely populated areas until the producers can prove that their processes do no harm to health, safety or property. In other words invoke the precautionary principle to get us relief.
Speaker Bass was very open to my suggestion. In fact after the primary, trusting that she is elected, she would like to come to my home again (as well as to others’) to hear from all of us regarding what we need her to do on our behalf in Congress.
I am inviting you and our elected local leaders to come speak to our next Congresswoman about this issue vital affecting our health, safety and property values.
Karen Bass will be at my home this Saturday, June 5th from 5 to 7 p.m.
Come enjoy some good food and together lets move this conversation to the action level.
When the “Big One” shakes up the Baldwin Hills Oil Fields, we will have no regrets if all of us are working together, coordinating our efforts under her leadership. Now is the time. Let’s do it!
Suzanne De Benedittis
Editor’s Note- Those interested in attending should contact Dr. De Benedittis at [email protected]
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