The installation of a marker at the corner of Braddock and Le Bourget, telling the tale of Carlson Park, began promptly at noon on May 22. With a crowd of locals and visitors, Stu Freeman offered his welcome as the president of the Culver City Historical Society. Mrs. Lois Carlson Bridges, the widow of Dr. Cralsonand author of his biography, Monganga Paul, offered the invocation. After a few words from Mayor Christopher Armenta ( who must be reading Crossroads to be so well informed about Dr. Carlson’s history) offered his thanks to the Historical Society for their efforts, and to all those who had gathered for the event. City Historian Julie Lugo Cerra gave a brief history of the land, and lauded the city for the creation of the park, the change of name in 1964, and the historic visit by then President Bill Clinton.
While the day was sunny, most deemed it too cold to stay and picnic, and many in the crowd dispersed after the plaque was unveiled.
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