At the the March 11, 2024 City Council meeting, the council unanimously voted to update the language in the Culver City Municipal Code in the Parks, Public Buildings and Property section related to restrooms and locker room usage.
The national news has reported on a number of incidents of violence, and the death of Nex Benedict in Oklahoma after being attacked in a public bathroom has motivated many municipalities to look into local laws to support public safety.
The Equity, Human Relation, Advisory Committee began work on the issue, and bringing it to the council for a vote on updated language has now expanded and clarified the laws.
The code now reads: 9.10.200 PROHIBITIONS. It shall be unlawful for any person to do any of the following in public buildings or on public property:
F. Within any restroom, shower, changing room, and locker room in a public building or on public property, to fight or challenge another person to fight; to maliciously or willfully disturb another person by loud and unreasonable noise; to use offensive words that are inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction from another person; or to engage in bullying, as defined by City Council resolution.
Section 9.10.205 – Restroom, Shower, Changing Room, and Locker Room Facilities
A. This Section shall apply to restroom, shower, changing room, or locker room facilities in a City of Culver City public building or on public property.
B. An individual shall not be requested or required to use gender-segregated facilities that are inconsistent with that individual’s gender expression or gender identity, or to use separate or gender-neutral facilities.
C. Whenever feasible, the City shall provide options for privacy, such as additional or single-use gender-neutral facilities, that are available to any individual.
D. The same standards will be consistently applied to all facility users, regardless of gender expression or gender identity.
That the vote was unanimous offers a reflection on how important it is to all parts of the community to know that people have the right to be safe in public spaces.