CC Rotary to Hold ‘Empty Bowls’ Fundraiser for Grace Diner

The Culver City Rotary Club will be offering “Empty Bowls” as a fundraiser for Grace Diner on Feb. 25, 2024 from noon to 2 pm .

Empty Bowls events are held around the country to raise funds for local food charities and educate people about issues of poverty and hunger in their community.  Culver City Rotary’s Empty Bowls Project raises awareness for providing FOOD SECURITY for those in need, which is a significant problem in our local community. Food Banks and Food Programs are taxed each week with a growing number of participants from those unhoused, unemployed or underemployed or facing a health crisis. This project is a symbolic representation of the lines that food insecure people stand in every day to meet their basic food needs.  

Funds raised through this event will benefit Grace Diner in Culver City.

Sit down with other guests, eat soup, bread and dessert, with Culver City Rotary Club, local restaurants and artist partners.  You will learn how your donation will help to fill the empty bowls of people less fortunate in our community. Then choose a beautiful artisan pottery bowl to bring home as a reminder to help fill the bowls of those less fortunate.

A limited number of tickets (150) will be sold for $30 each, or four tickets for $100.  Proceeds and sponsorship donations will be given to Grace Diner, a 501(c)3 organization operating as a provider of food to those in need in Culver City.

To purchase tickets, go to /

Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16