Dear Editor,
I am writing about large construction firms who have their sights set on Culver City. To start with, TELACU, a large construction company, donated $25,000 to the Yes on E campaign on January 22, 2024.
Another company, PJHM Architects Inc. donated $10,000 to the Yes on E committee on January 25, 2024.
Both of these companies, it turns out, have a long history of donating to school bond campaigns and often winning contracts down the line. Case in point, TELACU just recently starting doing project management work for the district. Already there seems to be a conflict of interest; TELACU is already participating in the bond presentation being made to parents and teachers at different school sites. Why? Have there been back-room/hand-shake deals made? These decisions should be done in a transparent bidding process.
And what about the Yes on E committee? As of January 20, the Yes on E committee has received ZERO donations from individuals. The committee is actually a shell entity, based in Sacramento and run out of an accounting firm’s office in a small office park on Tribute Road.
Perhaps the parents and community supporters of Measure E have been taken advantage of. There is no community based committee raising funds to support the bond, as there was for Measure CC and Measure K. The “Committee for Excellent Culver City Schools—Yes on E” is a shadowy corporate entity funded by powerful outside interests.
The taxpayers of Culver City deserve better. The school district deserves better. The voters of Culver City need to say NO to shady corporate dealings. Vote NO on Measure E.
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It’s time to reject outside interests with a hidden agenda. Vote NO on Measure E.
Melissa Sanders