Sections of the Ballona Creek Bike Path will be temporarily and intermittently closed for regular maintenance starting Monday, Jan. 8th through Friday the 12th between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM daily.
Rain caused a delay in beginning the annual maintenance, which had been scheduled to happen during CCUSD’s Winter Break.
Work will occur in sections between National and Sepulveda Boulevards. Each day, the affected part of the path will be COMPLETELY CLOSED TO ALL BIKE AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC.
The PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE to Culver City schools will also be closed EXCEPT DURING SCHOOL DROP-OFF & PICK-UP HOURS.
Section 1: Monday, January 8th – Tuesday, January 9th, starting from the bottom of the bike ramp at Duquesne Ave going east to the National Blvd gate, including the Higuera Bridge gate.
Section 2: Wednesday, January 10th – Thursday, January 11th, starting from the bottom of the ramp at Duquesne Ave going west to the easterly Overland Ave gate, including the Jackson Ave gate.
Section 3 – Friday, January 12th, starting from the westerly Overland Ave gate going west to the easterly Sepulveda Blvd gate.
Signage will be posted at each bike path entrance/exit along the affected route.
In the event that work on any section of the path is completed ahead of schedule, it will be re-opened to all traffic without further delay.
Learn More about Ballona Creek, the Bike Path, and temporary closures.