A classic of mid-20th century theater, the Hitchcockian suspense drama, An Inspector Calls centers on the Birling Family – Arthur, Sylvia, Sheila, and Eric – who live in a comfortable home in the fictional town of Brumley, “an industrial city in the north Midlands.” The family is visited by Inspector Goole, who interrogates the family about the suicide of a young working-class woman in her mid-twenties, Eva Smith.
During the questioning, all members of the family are lightly or deeply implicated in the girl’s undoing, including Sheila’s fiancé Gerald Croft. What begins as a parlor drama with polite banter quickly becomes acid and hateful. Everyone is not who they seem to be, including the inspector, thanks to a Twilight Zone-inspired plot twist.
Final performances
October 6 & 7
Friday at 8pm / Saturday at 2pm & 8pm
For tickets go to [email protected]
Westchester Playhouse
8301 Hindry Avenue