CalTrans, the state agency that oversees more than 50,000 miles of roads and railways, gave the top award for ‘Excellence in Transportation 2022’ to MOVE Culver City in the category of Multimodal Transportation. The prize honors the Culver City Transportation Department, Sam Schwartz Engineering, Streetplans and TYLin for the creation of the MOVE project.
From CalTrans, “MOVE Culver City reimagines Culver City streets as public spaces and prioritizes moving people over cars in the design of the street. The project encompasses 2.6 directional miles of Culver Blvd. and Washington Blvd. in downtown Culver City. The key components of the MOVE Culver City project include protected bus and bike lanes, bus stop improvements, expansion of micro-mobility options, a new circulator service, and pedestrian improvements, all implemented in a tactical urbanist framework using a quick-build model.
“The combination of infrastructure, mobility services, and better customer experience empower residents and visitors to Culver City to reconsider their travel behavior. MOVE Culver City represents a paradigm shift in transportation planning by providing travelers with the ability to choose a variety of mobility options without being limited by safety, access, or environmental hazards.”
The MOVE project continues to be a controversial political point in municipal focus, with a majority of the current city council having voted to add a lane for auto traffic back into the streetscape. Multiple legal actions are poised to prevent that, including a lawsuit from the environmental organization Natural Resources Defense Council.
With CalTrans awarding the 2022 Excellence in Transportation Award, it adds another major support for keeping MOVE right where it is.