The Culver City Garden Club will celebrate its 70th Anniversary with a free giant Show and Plant Sale, June 17 – 18.
We’ll host it in Culver City’s Veterans Memorial Auditorium, 4117 Overland Ave., Culver City, 90230. It will open Sat.
at 11:00 AM and continue until 4 PM; On Sun., will be open 10 AM – 4 PM.
There will be an Exhibition of locally homegrown plants, crafts, edibles, and flowers. There are over 200 categories for entry [See list attached]. One need not be a Club member to enter, except for the awarding of the top 4 prizes.
There will be evaluated by members of the California Garden Clubs, Inc.’s Judges Council. Each plant will be judged upon its own merit and then each category will have a Best-in-Show chosen.
The Club has more than 100 members living throughout the Westside. In 1953 the group was founded by homeowners new to the area in search of information about what to plant. Many of them were returning GIs who were buying their first homes through the GI Bill. Now, more than half the members are renters and live outside of Culver City.
There will be twice daily raffles of items donated by area merchants, such as Anawalt Lumber, Gro Power, Rutt’s Hawai’ian Cafe, Pavilions, Pac-8 Orchids, Yamaguchi Bonsai Nursery, and Bourget Brothers Building Supplies. In addition to plants and garden items, there are gift cards and more.
Each day there are also two Workshops each day: “Planting Veggie Seeds in Eco-Pots”, “Container Wars” and “The Art of Ikebana” and “The Fascinating World of Mushrooms.” The Club will have a Plant Sales table with donations from the members and friends of the Club. Potted plants in a wide variety of sizes and species are the norm, plus gardening items, containers, and books.
There will be both Vendors and Exhibitors offering a variety of items. The vendors include Riccardo’s Nursery in Long Beach, V & M Ceramics, the Rock Lady, etc. The Exhibitors will provide information and advice. These will include the Rare Fruit Growers of Southern California, Master Gardeners, and the local Native Plant Society. Additionally, there will be a photography Exhibition and Sale from Susan Gottlieb’s Native Garden.
All are welcome to enter “our” garden and enjoy the Exhibition, booths and sales for free.
Larry Ebner