Lincoln Properties to Offer Community Zoom Meeting on Hannum Ave. Development – Dec. 13

A virtual community meeting will be held on Dec. 13, 2022 at 7 pm on Zoom regarding a mixed use development proposed for 5700 Hannum Ave., across from the residences on Buckingham Parkway. The proposed development is for 330 units in a structure 56 feet tall, with a possible increase in size for affordable rental units. The meeting is being held by Lincoln Property as a part of their required community outreach to present their proposal, prior to a preliminary application with the city of Culver City. 

The Fox Hills Neighborhood Association has offered that “As this meeting was scheduled during peak holiday season, many of us will have to make an extra effort to attend. Please do. It is important that the city hears from the community.”



Passcode: 283515

You may also dial-in using your phone:

(669) 900-6833

Webinar ID: 869 0363 0362…

Passcode: 283515

Contact Information: Caroline Riley 310-974-668 nor email [email protected]

Photo – current office development at 5700 Hannum Ave. 

Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16