With less than a quarter of all registered voters accounted for, (23.42%) the two winning spots on the Culver City Council race are currently occupied by Dan O’Brien, with 25.74% of the vote, and Denice Renteria, with 22.11% of the vote. Freddy Puza is showing 21.20% of the vote, and Alex Fisch currently has 20.62%. The rest of the field, Dr. Khin Khin Gyi has an even 5% of the vote, and Devin Yeager has 4.32%..
The CCUSD School Board contest shows Brian Guerrero in the lead with 16.66% of the vote, followed by Triston Ezidore with 15.81% of the vote, and Stephanie Loredo with 15.45%. The rest of the field shows Howard Adelman, followed by Darrel Menthe, then Summer McBride, and Marci Baun at the end of the list.
Measure BL looks as if it will pass, with YES votes at 58.05% of the votes processed so far, and Measure VY seems likely to fail, with NO votes coming in at 54.29% at this point in time. Many more votes will decide.
As with so many other contests, both in the state and national election, these are early returns with far less than half of the expected votes in. We could see these numbers further solidify, or see these rankings change repeatedly over the next few days. Mail-in votes, the majority of local voters since the last election, are not yet tabulated, and close contests may trigger a recount.
Congratulations to all the candidates for crossing the finish line, to the volunteers on all the campaigns who worked so hard to support their issues. Results will be updated when new numbers are available.
Take a breath.
Judith Martin-Straw