Data Drop on MOVE Pilot Project

Since its launch in November of 2021, the MOVE project, has drawn cheers and groans from every part of the local population. For those who see it as an uncomfortable change in the status quo, it’s been derided as complex and unwieldy. For those who see it as the first page in a new volume on transportation, it has been hailed as a breakthrough. A fresh set of numbers are in, and they highlight just how big the change has been.

The most recent report shows that pedestrian traffic is up by 32%, bike trips are up 123%, and there were an average of 146 daily trips on ‘micromobility’ within a quarter of a mile of the measured distance of the project. Bus ridership was up by 23%. The average time of a car trip at ‘peak hours’ during both morning and afternoon commute periods was less than ten minutes, with the September morning clocking in at 5.6 minutes (heading eastbound) and the afternoon at 8.9 minutes (heading westbound.) This was the measure from the intersection of Culver and Duquesne to Washington and La Cienega. 

The city has tinkered with the project throughout the past year, changing some intersections, and creating more westbound space for auto traffic. The addition of the ‘circulator,’ an electric microbus that runs at 10 to 15 minute intervals through the day has offered another way for people to get around downtown. 

For a pilot program that was able to be installed for only 20% or its original budget, MOVE seems to be moving easily along. 

Judith Martin-Straw


The Actors' Gang


  1. These “fresh set of numbers” published mean very little if they are not compared with the set of numbers before the MOVE project was started. The percentages used in the second paragraph have very little meaning without knowing what the actual numbers were before the project was started.

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