Wende’s “In Search of Truth” Takes Up Truth and Art

This coming Wednesday, the Wende Museum’s online program “In Search of Truth” student council invites renowned artist Enrique Martínez Celaya to speak about the meaning of truth and the transformative power of art (and science). Martínez Celaya, who started his career as a physicist with the specialism of quantum electronics, is Provost Professor of Humanities and Arts at the University of Southern California, Distinguished Professor for the MFA in Fine Arts at Otis College of Art and Design, and a Montgomery Fellow at Dartmouth College. His work is held in 56 public collections internationally.

Wednesday, September 28, 5 p.m. PDT: Truth and Art (please not the different start time)

45 minutes discussion followed by 15 minutes Q&A.

RSVP: https://www.wendemuseum.org/programs/search-truth-september-program-truth-and-art-enrique-mart%C3%ADnez-celaya

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